Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Audrey Fitzgerald - Combined & Mixed Media

The year before last I had a lovely lecturer for our combined and mixed media class, Audrey Fitzgerald. During the year we had to complete various projects and assignments using different and various materials, this was great because it really opened my eyes to what you can create by combining found or made materials. During that year I made this collage of Vincent Van Gogh's 'Starry Starry Night' using sheets I painted and cut up

But anyway, the real reason why I am posting about her in relation to my project is about the work that she creates and how its inspired how I am about to approach my project. Audrey creates these wonderful images using found objects, such as buttons, receipts, colour charts and tissue paper. They are just beautiful!

In 2012 she also wrote and illustrated a book which inspires kids to use their imaginations. It can be seen at this link: http://audreyfitzgerald.me/index.php/portfolio/book/

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