Wednesday, 10 April 2013


My first two weeks trying out photography were an adventure! We were given a brief to make a 3 minute long video composed of only still images and sounds. The idea was to portray a story, the idea and theme within the 3 minutes and get the main message across to the audience by just using the still images and sounds.

I chose to work on a theme of the homeless but after a talk with my tutor I decided to take my project in a new direction, perhaps one not even too different from the first.

My title for my piece was 'What's Left Behind' and I wanted to focus on the prints, marks and objects people leave behind them on a daily basis as a symbol of their once being there. This idea worked much better for me as I felt it was something that applied to everybody and I had a much better understanding of what I was working towards.

Hope you enjoy!

Title: What's Left Behind
Duration: 3 Min
By: Belinda Kiernan


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