Wednesday, 3 October 2012

More Macro

Going all macro this week!.. aw god its only Wednesday and I just feel like hibernating till Friday. Starting to develop separation anxiety from the kettle... they should create a USB kettle that just holds enough water for one mug :/ here's some more shots that are part of my 'All The Small Things' subheading thing for the actual project entitled 'To Sense My Space'.

I love using water in my images because of its wonderful reflective and delicate qualities, it can never truly produce the same image twice!

The Lake here reflecting the tree and sky really set the whole mood of this picture. Silhouettes are something that can create a really interesting image.
When I find a texture or pattern I want to focus my picture on I alternate between colour and black and white. I think the black and white here makes the image a lot stronger and eye-catching.

They say dawn and just before sunset are the bast times to photograph anything because you see it's 'true' colour. I only tested this recently but I can  see how it works.
I feel you're pain meme polar bear :/

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