Friday, 19 October 2012

Richard Sweeney

Earlier in my blog I mentioned the work of artist Richard Sweeney. He makes absolutely fantastic pieces of work by using paper and folding it in different places to create the final piece! He also does a good bit of photography work and I found him though recommendation from one of my group 3 tutors, Elaine. He has taken some very interesting Macro shots of different bits and pieces but probably what I find most interesting about his work is how you really have to examine it and look closer to get an idea of what the subject might be!



I really like the pattern that's going on here and also the fact that he's taken the image in black and white which I thing really highlights the texture and the negative and positive spaces

This image really interests me for the reason that I am still trying to figure out what it is he has capture. To me it looks like some type of insect, although it seems more like a macro shot of Velcro or something of the sort.
Here (below) is a macro shot of a seed pod and again I love the use of black and white. It can really give depth and life to an image!
There are some other shots he has taken of more man made objects but I'm more interested in the natural organic pieces for my project. I would love to see some more of his work like this but unfortunately its not easy found as he seems to prefer taking shots of his beautifully intricate 3D pieces.

Thursday, 18 October 2012

Frances Lambe

Please excuse my little delay in updating my blog the past few days, with our Progress Reviews next week (mine Monday) I've been desperately searching for some motivation to get me kick started again. In this time I've been working on my notes and also my Contextual notebook, which I really enjoy! I'm coming across some very interesting artists whose work relates to me and my work in some way. One being the inspirational Frances Lamb.

I first got intrigued by her work upon seeing it in the Bluewall Gallery in Co. Cavan last year. The shapes, forms, textures of her work are beautiful. I love how each piece she makes is based on something that has significance and meaning to her (and this is where I come in). From the work of hers that I have seen it’s inspiring to see how she always works from nature. She sees feels and experiences things in her everyday life and in the hobbies that she does that inspires her pieces.

I hope to do this through my work also. In the way that my passion is to photograph things and more recently for this project, beautiful aspects of nature that I feel are taken for granted every day. Anyway, I just wanted to show you some of the works by Frances Lambe that particularly appeal to me :)


I love the peculiar 'flow' this piece has to its form. It seems so organic in its colour and texture, almost like a stone or pebble found on a river bed that had been smoothed by the water. The markings remind me of star constellations.

Perhaps not the best image as the selection of this particular piece seems limited (as is my knowledge of technology). For me this piece is quite nature orientated and organic. The ring of little toadstool looking pieces seem almost fairytale like.


This piece is my favourite as it looks just like rain running down a window or on a clear surface. I love being able to include the element of water or ice in my work in some way and I really love Lambe's precision in making this seem as though it is just that.

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Work Work Woreeehjbgfrwjbf... ugh

Need I say any more? I'm sat here trying to decipher the code that is my c.c.s notes. I really enjoy Art History, and have since my school days but for some reason every time I try to research, Facebook seems to advance onto my screen...? Does this happen to anyone else or just me?
Tell me something... Is it possible to get out of the wrong side of the bed when there are two people in the bed? I don't know, like would you physically have to roll over the other person to make your exit or push them out first then get up yourself? Or on that day does your side of the bed automatically become the wrong side? Which in fact means you’d be safer departing on the other side of the bed thus rolling over and/or pushing the other person out.... Hmmm food for thought as my mother would say! I'm not even cranky, just hungry... and maybe a little whiney. Rant over! (promise).


Macro Images

Throughout my first few weeks here I have collected a lot of photography images that (even if I don’t use them) give me inspiration! So in an effort to lure you all in to following my blog I will post a few up most days :) (Especially the unproductive days when everything else is at a go today).
Spider Webs can be the most magical thing each is different, each catches and entangles different things (besides fly corpses). Have you ever seen a spider web on an early Autumn/Winter morning that just took your breath away? Dew drops or frost kissing each delicate thread... if you haven't you should certainly make it your mission!

Light playing off  the threads of a spider web, it almost glitters! Don't get me wrong, I'm no lover of the creatures and despite their (mostly) small stature they scare the bejesus outta me!
I love how an image in black & white can hold a lot more strength and impact than its colourful counterpart.

Monday, 8 October 2012

Some Close Ups Of My 'Close Up' Piece...

Here are the initial images I decided to work from to make this piece:

I loved the look of this mossy type stuff that grows on some trees! When you look at it from afar and really see the colours and how they contrast its quite unusually beautiful really!
I wanted to get even closer up so after (very) awkwardly climbing into a tree (that sits over a lake) near my house, I got a look at this stuff and I just LOVE the shape and colour of it! Its so unusual, unique and aesthetically beautiful.
And so here are some close up's of my clay piece:

I did want to enhance a bit on the colour I chose for my piece so they would 'POP' and yet still stick to the blues that stand out in the photograph
I used a darker blue underneath to highlight the shadow areas 

3D 'Macro' Piece

Taking some inspiration from my photography work that I've been doing the past while I wanted to start making some 3D pieces to represent my own interpretation of 'Macro'. I want to look at the different patterns, textures and colour that are only seen by getting up close and personal with you're chosen object. Here are some images of a 3D piece I made in conjunction with a few of my photography images:

I started off with one piece!
Until it became this...

I used Air Drying Clay (which I love, its so quick and easy to use but still looks great) and acrylic paint to finish - I used the basic colours that were in the initial image but gave them my own kind of 'POP'
I want to bring this piece out and photograph it on a tree "bring it back to nature" unfortunately my piece is pretty breakable so perhaps now that I have the photographic evidence I've made something I may take the plunge!
[watch this space] .....figuratively
or this space literally..

Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Macro (Close Up) Drawings

So to get in touch with my inner 'Macro Goddess'.... *cough* (¬ ¬ ,) I've started doing a collection of close up drawings to help me really examine the up close and personal little details I'm capturing in my photos. I do however look a bit mad collecting these plants and stuff on my way to college. Hope you like!

Lavender Study - Mix of Willow, Compressed Charcoal and Putty Rubber, I enjoy working with charcoal, the many different ways you can experimant and create different textures!
Graphite (HB, 2B & 5B) and Eraser - I love the use of the eraser to 'smooth a drawing and adding highlights.
Graphite (HB, 2B & 5B) and Eraser - The eraser came in handy to get that soft fluffyness to the plant
Sketchbook Work ->

More Macro

Going all macro this week!.. aw god its only Wednesday and I just feel like hibernating till Friday. Starting to develop separation anxiety from the kettle... they should create a USB kettle that just holds enough water for one mug :/ here's some more shots that are part of my 'All The Small Things' subheading thing for the actual project entitled 'To Sense My Space'.

I love using water in my images because of its wonderful reflective and delicate qualities, it can never truly produce the same image twice!

The Lake here reflecting the tree and sky really set the whole mood of this picture. Silhouettes are something that can create a really interesting image.
When I find a texture or pattern I want to focus my picture on I alternate between colour and black and white. I think the black and white here makes the image a lot stronger and eye-catching.

They say dawn and just before sunset are the bast times to photograph anything because you see it's 'true' colour. I only tested this recently but I can  see how it works.
I feel you're pain meme polar bear :/

Tuesday, 2 October 2012

My Macro

I've been doing a bit of research on Macro Photography and apparently I haven't been doing it totally wrong so heres some examples of my own Macro Photography work for my assignment entitled 'To Sense My Space'. I've decided to hang around with this idea for awhile and see where it takes me.

I'm very interested in looking at patterns, texture, and colour in my pictures.
 Please keep in mind all these pictures are my own work and possess my watermark on them. They are not altered in any way except a slight enhancement on contrast to make them 'POP'

Some of the natural treasures that inhabit our space (everyday life) that we completely take for granted. Maybe you walk by them around you house, on your way to work or college and completely ignore the existence of something so wonderful. To look is to acknowledge something but to see it can really open your eyes! (excuse the pun).

Very Excite!

5 weeks ago this Thursday we entered our studio spaces for the first time.. here's what mine looked like after a few days then:

Keep in mind I have a big ass wall in front of me it was soooooo blank and daunting! (so much so its not even in the pic). But I'm happy to feel like I've made some progress since then :) here is a picture of my studio space as it was earlier today (wall and everything)..
This is where the magic happens..... naaaat

Monday, 1 October 2012

All The Small Things

I've been looking at Macro Photography a lot lately and in my opinion it’s pretty understated. To me, macro is the art of looking at things for what they really are, having the interest to look deeper and see the details others may acknowledge with a passing ‘eh yeah it’s kinda cool’. To see what really makes up the beauty we admire with a passing glance (now I’m not talking genetic makeup or anything like that… *yawn* but I’m sure it’s beautiful in its own way) but I mean the real detail. To do a detailed drawing we have to really study our object right? We want to capture that detail so that our overall drawing looks like the real deal. Isn’t it funny how when we see flies, spiders and other bugs we’re repulsed (and if you’re like me, hastily summon someone else to remove the beast) and yet when seen through a macro lens possess a sense of beauty, elegance and downright cuteness!
So here are some examples I found of Macro Photography that interested me...

Above and by David Chambon
  Love the use of the water droplets ♥

The use of very soft lighting makes the image almost look like a drawing